Children & Youth Ministry
NURSERY - We provide nursery care for the youngest among us. You are welcome to keep your infants and toddlers with you in worship. But if it would help your worship experience for your young child to have a safe place to be cared for, our nursery is fully equipped and staffed.
CHILDREN - We provide Sunday school for children year round during worship. There they learn the stories of faith and our teachers create great relationship with them. Children know they are loved and treasured. Our children also participate in a monthly "Noisy Offering" collection during worship. They collect coins and the coins are given to a good cause. From the time they are young our children learn the joy of giving. We occasionally offer a special event or learning opportunity for children also - like Vacation Bible School.
YOUTH - We provide Sunday school for youth year round during worship. We also offer an occasional special event. We incorporate youth fully into the life of the congregation. They participate in music programs, worship leadership, help with the children, and more.
BOOK PROGRAM - As our children grow, we provide books for the family that are age appropriate and make it easy for children to learn the stories of faith. When babies are born, we provide a book of prayers for the family. Later children are provided with children's Bibles and books that help them learn about worship.